Weekend Warrior: Seize the Day

For those of us in Los Angeles, with the great weather of low 80s, this weekend is one to get back into our skin and feel like ourselves again. We have a list of five things you can do to give yourself that little “pick me up” your body has been craving.


1. Put on some vibrant colored clothing. Nothing will brighten your mood to the vibrance of the sun like some color. If you dare to wear pink, studies have shown that this color calms aggression and anxiety.

2. Work up a sweat this weekend. Release some endorphins that your body has been missing in the office. You can hit two birds with one stone by exercising in the sun and getting some color and Vitamin D.

3. Indulge in some sushi and give your body some omega-3 fatty acids to suppress any low moods. This can be found in salmon, shrimp, summer flounder, and tuna.

4. Live like an Icelander who despite their colder regions, take part in strong social interactions and a flourishing arts and culture scene.

5. Make a To-do List. Studies have shown that by setting a list of things you need to get done and doing them, is like setting goals and accomplishing them. Your body and mind will be reset in no time. wee

What have you done for yourself lately?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at www.pmbcgroup.com.

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