Amazon’s Founder and CEO Purchases The Washington Post For $250 Million Cash

Making all business tabloid headlines yesterday, Jeff Bezos, Founder and CEO of the American-based multinational electronic commerce company  Amazon has officially purchased The Washington Post for $250 million cash.

We wanted to look a little deeper into how this came about as much speculation has been drawn as to the reasoning. To many’s surprise, still does not own The Washington Post or any of its affiliated publications and will not have any part or say in how the company is ran. Rather, this purchase was through Bezos’ own good fortune.

Although Bezos will be the new owner, the expected drastic change is not going to come about internally, but the company will however see a change in the name, of what is to still be determined.

This eccentric move by Bezos comes at little cost, due to the digital revolution, which has inevitably changed the way consumers acquire news. With that being said, we ask ourselves what can social content start to offer to change the pace or course of The Washington Post?

Here at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles Lifestyle PR Firm, we patiently wait with the rest of the critics to see the influence Bezos will have on The Washington Post as it moves forward.

How did you react to the news of Bezos purchasing The Washington Post?

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