Advertising Expands in Digital Realms

With the amount of time individuals spend consuming digital media overtaking the amount of time spent watching television, it’s only logical for advertisers to target top-tier social content platforms.  Most recent to be exhibited in headlines are the likes of Facebook and Google Maps.

Facebook is notoriously known for ads being presented all over its newsfeeds, but stockholders are okay with that as a report released by Morgan Stanley on Wednesday shares that the company will profit more than $1 billion in 2014 with video ads.

Because Google Maps is so viable for individuals, and with its more than one billion users each month, it makes for a prime target to advertisers. On Thursday, Google announced ads will appear for its Android, iPhone and iPad apps. With its large reach and ability to capture people looking for specific locations and businesses, Google Maps is a goldmine for masterful advertising.

Here at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles PR Firm, it is inevitable to avoid advertising as it has been long part of our society’s history, however we are excited to see what opportunities, deals and business it will present to audiences.

What are your thoughts on advertising appearing all over digital platforms?

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