San Francisco Gate Discusses Individuals’ First Thought of Tooshlights

When people first hear about Tooshlights, the first thing that comes to mind might be something strange, funny or quirky. Tooshlights isn’t what most people think it is.

In fact, Leah Garchik from San Francisco Gate recently featured a discussion on what readers first thought of Tooshlights. Some envisioned it to be a “hula dancer back-up lights” and even “infrared lights that fit under toilet seat to keep “toosh” warm on cold mornings”. While others went as far as thinking that it’s a lighting system that allows individuals to “shake their toosh on the dance floor while the lights glow with different colors as the frequency changes.”

Tooshlights does not fit any of the above descriptions, however, as it’s actually the first of its kind public restroom lighting system with a simple solution that transforms public restroom wait lines. It’s also the only automated LED lighting system for public bathrooms that assists in increasing traffic flow in both men’s and women’s public restrooms.

We loved this fun exercise as it got the buzz going around Tooshlights which people will soon begin to see everywhere as it creates customized lighting systems for venues, stadiums, theatres, convention centers and much more. Individuals can also expect a Tooshlights mobile app in the next coming months that will again raise the question, “What is Tooshlights?”

To read the entire SF Gate feature click HERE.

Here at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles Technology PR Firm, we are excited to see Tooshlights transform public bathroom wait lines all while providing eco-friendly solutions.

What did you think of Tooshlights when you first heard about it?

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