Heineken Attracts Young Crowd By Dropping People All Over The World

If you travel frequently, Heineken is the beer for you. Well, at least that’s the concept the Dutch brand is currently preaching in their video series “Dropped” targeting a young demographic. In the latest edition they drop an Irishman and a Polish guy on a Philippine island, blindfolded and handcuffed.

We’ve seen content marketing through Red Bull stunts, a TV series based on the fast food chain Subway and now this. What’s next?

We at PMBC Group, a Los Angles Entertainment PR Firm, are excited to see branded entertainment of this kind increase as many are becoming more and more resistant to traditional advertising messages.

Do you enjoy branded entertainment more than traditional advertisement?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at http://www.pmbcgroup.com.