Ron McElroy’s Wrong Side of the Tracks Wins Amazon Best Seller

PMBC Group‘s client Ron McElroy, CEO and Founder of Real Office Centers, launched his transformative memoir Wrong Side of the Tracks April 9th. Since then, with great anticipation, it has grown in popularity to win the title of Amazon Best Seller in Business Motivation & Self-Improvement!

Wrong Side of the Tracks, Ron McElroy, PMBC Group

Having read this book ourselves, this comes as little surprise, as you are navigated through a life of hardships, proving that it is strong family bonds, discipline, skills, and a positive, loving spirit that can take anyone on a new life path.

Wrong Side of the Tracks lets readers know that they’re not alone in overcoming life’s hardships; these do not need to define people. McElroy teaches that life is what you make of it. By staying true to your core values and culture, individuals can cross over from the wrong side of the tracks.

Wrong Side of the Tracks also ranked among the Top 10 Amazon Gift Ideas in Business Motivation & Self-Improvement, perfect for adding to anyone’s summer reading list!

Have you ever read an Amazon Best Seller?

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