Personalized Coffee Without the Wait From Briggo

If you’ve been inside a coffee shop recently, you may have noticed that the personalization of caffeinated beverages has reached an all-time high. Hearing orders as complex as “non-fat, no foam, no water, 6 pump, extra hot, chai tea latte” has become the norm when you are waiting in line, rather than the exception. The craze to personalize coffee is exactly what drives new invention Briggo, a machine that allows you to order the perfect, personalized drink from your smartphone and pick it up at a pre-specified time—no humans involved.

Briggo says they understand the journey of the coffee bean and the care that should go into each perfectly brewed cup. “We believe that perfect is personal,” writes Briggo, “It’s something as unique as each person. As unique as each bean.” To have exactly what you want, when you want it—that’s what Briggo promises.

For the baristas of the world, Briggo might justifiably induce some fear. How could a human compete with a coffee machine that takes the guesswork, variability and even the waiting out of the coffee experience? However, in the future, as people become more and more difficult to deal with (ordering drinks that are exceedingly complicated, talking on their cellphones while ordering, yelling about long waits), perhaps baristas will be better off passing on the coffee torch. Those of us who do not consider ourselves to be “morning people,” meanwhile, can take comfort in Briggo, which won’t be able to tell that we woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.

Is Briggo the recipe for a happier world of coffee drinkers?

PMBC Group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at


Tech Tuesday: Top 5 Tech Accessories We Adore

Tech Tuesday, always gives us a chance to share with the community those products that we are forever thankful for, adding a touch of style and simplifying our active lives. We’ve put together a list of the top 5 accessories that working people like you and I, just can’t live without.

  1. Trusty headphones: At times when life at the office becomes hectic, listening to music or a podcast is key. Taking a quick breather elevates brainpower. We like the Beats By Dr. Dre headphones because of their durability and stylish colors.
  2. Smartphone charger: People would never let a dead battery interfere with keeping up with emails, checking urgent messages from family and receiving calls from clients. It’s vital to keep phone chargers within reach. Don’t leave home without this Apple iPhone 5 charger.
  3. Chic laptop case: Keep your laptop vibrant despite daily use with a stylish case to prevent unwanteddamage. We recommend this Marc Jacob’s laptop sleeve in Gray Nylon.
  4. Cute coffee tumbler: Feed your caffeine obsession while decorating your desk with a mug. There is no better way to complement any workstation. Find a conversation-starting mug here.
  5. Adorable wristwatch: Stay punctual for meetings by accessorizing an outfit with a statement timepiece. We like this one from Michael Kors.

Here at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles Technology PR Firm, we continuously look for ways to personalize and amplify our essential tech collection.

What’s your favorite tech accessory?

PMBC Group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

Morning Fuel with a Health Kick: the Benefits of Coffee

With the week coming to end, it’s always good to start your day with a little boost from that morning cup of coffee before heading to work or school. People around the world have been using coffee to get a jump on their mornings ever since its discovery. We at PMBC Group, Los Angeles PR firm, not only agree with this age-old tradition, but have found a few good reasons to sip on that morning cup of joe.

Not only does coffee give you that kick of caffeine, but scientists at the National Cancer Institute have found those who reported drink 2-3 cups of coffee actually lived longer. Although there is no direct correlation that has been proven between coffee and life expectancy, the sample size used in this experiment seems to not completely rule out coincidence.  Similar studies have linked drinking a moderate amount of coffee to reducing the chance of: Type 2 diabetes, skin cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, and even oral cancer. So the next time someone asks you if you’ve been drinking too much coffee, you can back up your daily cups with this alleged health advice.

Did you know coffee had health benefits?

 PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

L.A.’s Top 5 Coffee Shops

With Daylight Savings taking place last Saturday to Sunday, we are all feeling the morning drag this week. Staying up a tad bit later hasn’t affected us much, but the waking up an hour earlier sure does put the grind in “morning grind.” That’s why we are looking to some of the best places to get those morning grounds to get us to the weekend.

Coupa Cafe, PMBC Group

The following are 5 of the best coffee shops LA has to offer those late night, early morning, wide-eyed Angelenos.

1. Intelligentsia Coffee – Located in Silver Lake, this coffee shop is as much about the coffee as it is the ambience. Known for being stock full of coffee connoisseurs and those too cool for school types, this coffee shop is has single-origin, micro-lot roasts which “distinct flavor profiles” such as dark chocolate, cherry, brown sugar, vanilla, and even fig!

2. Handsome Coffee – In the depths of Downtown Los Angeles, this tucked away coffee shop and hangout has a similar vibe to Intelligentsia. With such delicious coffee, only sweeteners rather than milks are left out to embellish this flavor. The coffee is too good to ruin.

3. Coupa Cafe – Known for having Beverly Hills’ Best Latte, Coupa Café offers Venezuela’s only shade grown, handpicked, patio sun-dried, super fair trade organic single estate Arabica coffee beans roasted in small batches in the states. This coffee is good enough to fuel the creators of Facebook.

4. Urth Caffe – This high traffic cafe, brings in those health and eco-conscious Angelenos. The organic coffee offered here comes from beans free of chemical fertilizers and was grown with practices that preserve the rain forests.

5. Bourgeois Pig – Located in Hollywood for those late nights in the entertainment industry, this surprisingly potent coffee is strong and tasty. For those craving a real kick in the morning, this is sure to wake you in both caffeine and taste.

Where do you get your morning coffee?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at