Peak Prosperity’s Chris Martenson Warns Of Sequestration Fall-Out

PMBC Group’s acclaimed economic researcher and Futurist Chris Martenson, founder of celebrated Peak Prosperity, recently sat down with Steven Bushong of Solar Power World Online to discuss the looming funding cuts that U.S research and development stand to lose in the face of Sequestration.

Chris Martenson profile

Martenson stated that the cuts pose a substantial threat to the already underfunded infrastructure of US innovation and science based research programs. Implementing the mandatory cuts totaling some $1.3 billion from all nuclear and related activities including environmental cleanup, may deliver the proverbial nail in US research and development.

The article goes on to discuss the next steps that could loosen the slack put on heavily by Sequestration. Ending on a high note, Martenson states that if properly oriented, what people can accomplish is always surprising. To read the full article, click HERE.

How will Sequestration impact you or someone you may know?

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Technology to the Fiscal Cliff’s Rescue

Technology’s helpfulness or hindrance factor, a debate that has rippled throughout the ages, gained a fervent supporter this past Wednesday after the AutoPen was used to avert the dreaded Fiscal Cliff.

Technology, AutoPen, PMBC Group

The ominous tax hikes promised if Congress could not come to a resolution by the end of 2012, were avoided when a House vote solidified a mostly favorable agreement on both sides of the aisle late New Year’s Day. But with the holidays upon all, many were away including the President.

Far from the steps of Capitol Hill and with a bill in desperate need of his signature, President Obama turned to the Autopen Wednesday morning, a machine-powered pen that replicates a signature by following the lines of an engraving, to sign into action a bill that makes permanent the Bush administration’s tax cuts for individuals earning less than $400,000 per year and couples earning less than $450,000. It will also raise rates on those who make more than that from 35% to 39.6% and will raise roughly $600 billion in new revenues over 10 years, according to various estimates.

The AutoPen is primarily used for purposes of a lesser caliber but whatever the reason, technology’s helpful factor in this situation is hard to deny.

What do you think of the fiscal cliff?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at