Personalized Coffee Without the Wait From Briggo

If you’ve been inside a coffee shop recently, you may have noticed that the personalization of caffeinated beverages has reached an all-time high. Hearing orders as complex as “non-fat, no foam, no water, 6 pump, extra hot, chai tea latte” has become the norm when you are waiting in line, rather than the exception. The craze to personalize coffee is exactly what drives new invention Briggo, a machine that allows you to order the perfect, personalized drink from your smartphone and pick it up at a pre-specified time—no humans involved.

Briggo says they understand the journey of the coffee bean and the care that should go into each perfectly brewed cup. “We believe that perfect is personal,” writes Briggo, “It’s something as unique as each person. As unique as each bean.” To have exactly what you want, when you want it—that’s what Briggo promises.

For the baristas of the world, Briggo might justifiably induce some fear. How could a human compete with a coffee machine that takes the guesswork, variability and even the waiting out of the coffee experience? However, in the future, as people become more and more difficult to deal with (ordering drinks that are exceedingly complicated, talking on their cellphones while ordering, yelling about long waits), perhaps baristas will be better off passing on the coffee torch. Those of us who do not consider ourselves to be “morning people,” meanwhile, can take comfort in Briggo, which won’t be able to tell that we woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.

Is Briggo the recipe for a happier world of coffee drinkers?

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