57th Inauguration Exhibits Social Media At Its Finest

The cold-crisp January air didn’t stop eager Americans wanting to watch history happen before their eyes at the second Inauguration of President Obama. Tech savvy citizens were quick to capture the moment, utilizing social media to its finest.


What many did not expect was that the Inauguration took social media to a whole new level for 2013 as Facebook, utilized their tagging tool to actually tag individuals present at the event. The Washington Post even took it upon themselves to tag various politicians, celebrities and figures alike. PMBC Group, Los Angeles Tech PR Firm, was ecstatic to witness the revolution of social media in the making. Twitter also reached over 1.1 million tweets with trending hashtags like #inaug2013 . CNN even compiled a list of the best Inauguration Day tweets. This is only the beginning of social media’s presence at events of this nature and we’re thrilled to see what lies ahead.

How did you utilize social media for Inauguration Day?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at www.pmbcgroup.com.

2013 Social Media Trends: Gamification

With less than a week in the New Year, it’s safe to say that the social media storm is not calming down anytime soon, tech fiends you have been warned, for as mentioned in a previous post, we discussed some of 2013’s top social media trends to look out for. Gamification, as previously mentioned, made a quick appearance in the last year and this marketing strategy is ready to inject a whole new life into various industries.

Social Media, Tech PR, PMBC

PMBC Group, Los Angeles’ Technology PR Firm, constantly strives to stay alert in the vastly developing world of the digital space and gamifiation has definitely been on the minds of many. The evolving term describes the notion of bussiness’ utilizing the means of game mechanics to engage consumers in the not-so-traditional gaming products. For instance the popular social platform, Foursquare, truly adheres to gamification as users create accounts and claim mayorships, and unlock badges while receiving discounts and rewards. Another trending app is GetGlue which uses game mechanics such as unlocking rewards when consumers check into entertainment destinations like a TV Show, movie, video games etc.

The start of the gamification is slowly brewing and before we know it daily mundane tasks will transform into a game with must-have rewards.

Have you experienced gamification?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at www.pmbcgroup.com.