L.A.’s Top 5 Coffee Shops

With Daylight Savings taking place last Saturday to Sunday, we are all feeling the morning drag this week. Staying up a tad bit later hasn’t affected us much, but the waking up an hour earlier sure does put the grind in “morning grind.” That’s why we are looking to some of the best places to get those morning grounds to get us to the weekend.

Coupa Cafe, PMBC Group

The following are 5 of the best coffee shops LA has to offer those late night, early morning, wide-eyed Angelenos.

1. Intelligentsia Coffee – Located in Silver Lake, this coffee shop is as much about the coffee as it is the ambience. Known for being stock full of coffee connoisseurs and those too cool for school types, this coffee shop is has single-origin, micro-lot roasts which “distinct flavor profiles” such as dark chocolate, cherry, brown sugar, vanilla, and even fig!

2. Handsome Coffee – In the depths of Downtown Los Angeles, this tucked away coffee shop and hangout has a similar vibe to Intelligentsia. With such delicious coffee, only sweeteners rather than milks are left out to embellish this flavor. The coffee is too good to ruin.

3. Coupa Cafe – Known for having Beverly Hills’ Best Latte, Coupa Café offers Venezuela’s only shade grown, handpicked, patio sun-dried, super fair trade organic single estate Arabica coffee beans roasted in small batches in the states. This coffee is good enough to fuel the creators of Facebook.

4. Urth Caffe – This high traffic cafe, brings in those health and eco-conscious Angelenos. The organic coffee offered here comes from beans free of chemical fertilizers and was grown with practices that preserve the rain forests.

5. Bourgeois Pig – Located in Hollywood for those late nights in the entertainment industry, this surprisingly potent coffee is strong and tasty. For those craving a real kick in the morning, this is sure to wake you in both caffeine and taste.

Where do you get your morning coffee?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at http://www.pmbcgroup.com.