Be Great Partners Offers Home to Booming Entertainment Startup

PMBC Group‘s client Be Great Partners (BGP), the Los Angeles incubator-accelerator building Los Angeles into a world class startup ecosystem, has become home to a variety of innovative, up and coming startups, including DealFlicks, a movie ticket and concession deal site.

DealFlicks is just one of many companies that have been added to BGP’s portfolio, receiving support from BGP’s 25 staff developers, legal assistance, public relations, HR support, and mentors that all portfolio companies are offered at BGP.

The following is the inspirational video about two entrepreneurs who moved to Los Angeles with an idea and went from living in a minivan to a startup that everyone is saying to keep an eye on.  Chosen to be one of five companies admitted to the Warner Brothers “Media Camp WB class,” DealFlicks will enter a 12-week accelerator program working alongside Warner Bros. executives to gain unparalleled insight. It is companies like this that now call BGP their new home:

How do you enjoy your favorite movies?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at