President Obama Gets In On The March Madness

As the epic battle is heating up amongst the four regions duking it out in the NCAA Basketball Tournament, it seems everyone is getting in on the action, including the President of the United States. President Obama announced his top choice recently, smartly going with Indiana, the second seed favored to win this year’s tournament.

Obama, March Madness, Sports, PMBC Group

This time of the year gives basketball enthusiasts, sports hawks or everyone with even the slightest inkling to stay current on trends, the chance to partake in the madness. Just as the President did, the best and most effective way to get in on the game, is to choose which teams will win what game. The formula here is easy: simply fill out a bracket of teams that are strongly slated to win, track their games and root for them until the bitter end.

While 64 teams go head-to-head in the quest to reach the Final Four and national championship games in Atlanta, the President and the nation will be watching closely to see who be crowned the victor.

Have you chosen your March Madness bracket yet?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

57th Inauguration Exhibits Social Media At Its Finest

The cold-crisp January air didn’t stop eager Americans wanting to watch history happen before their eyes at the second Inauguration of President Obama. Tech savvy citizens were quick to capture the moment, utilizing social media to its finest.


What many did not expect was that the Inauguration took social media to a whole new level for 2013 as Facebook, utilized their tagging tool to actually tag individuals present at the event. The Washington Post even took it upon themselves to tag various politicians, celebrities and figures alike. PMBC Group, Los Angeles Tech PR Firm, was ecstatic to witness the revolution of social media in the making. Twitter also reached over 1.1 million tweets with trending hashtags like #inaug2013 . CNN even compiled a list of the best Inauguration Day tweets. This is only the beginning of social media’s presence at events of this nature and we’re thrilled to see what lies ahead.

How did you utilize social media for Inauguration Day?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

Technology to the Fiscal Cliff’s Rescue

Technology’s helpfulness or hindrance factor, a debate that has rippled throughout the ages, gained a fervent supporter this past Wednesday after the AutoPen was used to avert the dreaded Fiscal Cliff.

Technology, AutoPen, PMBC Group

The ominous tax hikes promised if Congress could not come to a resolution by the end of 2012, were avoided when a House vote solidified a mostly favorable agreement on both sides of the aisle late New Year’s Day. But with the holidays upon all, many were away including the President.

Far from the steps of Capitol Hill and with a bill in desperate need of his signature, President Obama turned to the Autopen Wednesday morning, a machine-powered pen that replicates a signature by following the lines of an engraving, to sign into action a bill that makes permanent the Bush administration’s tax cuts for individuals earning less than $400,000 per year and couples earning less than $450,000. It will also raise rates on those who make more than that from 35% to 39.6% and will raise roughly $600 billion in new revenues over 10 years, according to various estimates.

The AutoPen is primarily used for purposes of a lesser caliber but whatever the reason, technology’s helpful factor in this situation is hard to deny.

What do you think of the fiscal cliff?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at