Sony Unveils New PlayStation 4 App to Mirror Xbox Smartglass

PlayStation lovers rejoice. Sony is attempting to level out the playing field with its competitor, Microsoft, by having its very own smartphone app for the PlayStation 4, which will mirror Xbox Smartglass.

The app will allow individuals to stream sections of their favorite games from the PS4 directly to their handset. It will serve as a second screen for the console, streaming and displaying relevant information about video games. Other features include access to social feeds, but more likely than not, the most intriguing aspect to users is the ability to play mini-games on the PS4.

Sony gave members at the Tokyo Game Show a sneak peak to the iOS and Android PlayStation app, which appeared to play very smoothly, this according to Techradar’s Marc Chacksfield.

Sony will release the PlayStation 4 in North American on Nov. 15, in Europe on Nov. 22 and in Japan in Feb. 22 of next year.

Here at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles Technology PR Firm, we are excited to see Sony provide their PlayStation faithful with an app that will enable users to play mini-games and get full optimization from their device.

What aspect are you most looking forward to from PlayStation 4’s new app?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in
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E3 Brings Advanced Technology to Entertainment in LA

Here at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles Technology PR Firm, we are excited to share our enthusiasm with E3 for the advancement in technology that is helping to bring a real-life feeling to entertainment systems, here in Los Angeles.

With many gamers highly anticipating the upcoming release of Xbox 1 and Playstation 4, E3 is expected to be one of the hottest events of the summer. Downtown LA will be filled with gaming companies displaying some of the most desired trailers and playtime clips on the show floor: Dead Rising 3, Assassins Creed 4, and Disney are some notable mentions to keep an eye out for.

This Thursday at LA Live’s Lucky Strike, gamers and friends will be able to catch up and socialize over drinks. Any E3 badge holders will get in free by just flaunting their badges. Individuals without an E3 badge need to register $10 by RSVP. This is a party you won’t want to miss.

Have you heard of E3?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at