Twitter Predicts Political Winners

Twitter is no longer only a social media platform used to interact with peers, coworkers and favorite celebrities. Now it is even being relied upon to predict winners of competitive elections.

In a study conducted at Indiana University, new research accurately exhibited public opinion extracted from social media platforms to be correlated with how the public will vote. Using an archive of billions of randomly sampled tweets from 2010 prior to the 2012 presidential election, combined with a specific method, researchers were able to predict the winner in 404 out of 406 competitive races. This is the first time a working model for predictive Twitter analysis has seen such success.

This study also demonstrated the significant correlations between how many times an incumbent for the House of Representatives was mentioned in a tweet and his or her success of winning. Even when the public discussed a candidate in a negative context, it was still an indicator of whether he or she was on the cusp of victory. Ultimately, the more a candidate is mention on Twitter, the more success he or she will see.

Here at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles Technology PR Firm, we are intrigued by the study conducted at the University of Indiana, and its data that can predict the winner of competitive races utilizing Twitter. We look forward to witnessing how this will influence the way campaigns are run in the future.

Have you discussed politics on Twitter?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

Vine Climbs Into Twitter’s Nest

PMBC Group, Los Angeles tech PR firm, always stays up to date with the latest in social media. Today, Twitter introduced a new “birdie” to the rapidly growing social media nest.

Social Media, PMBC Group

Vine, Twitter’s newly acquired sharing service, allows mobile users to record and share looping videos via iPhone and iPad devices. With Vine, tweets have gotten a little bit louder. Twitter users have the option of sharing 160 characters or six seconds of video with sound. “Like tweets, the brevity of videos on Vine (six seconds or less) inspires creativity,” the company said in an official blog. We know we’ll be downloading this free app from the App Store.

Have you downloaded Vine?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

57th Inauguration Exhibits Social Media At Its Finest

The cold-crisp January air didn’t stop eager Americans wanting to watch history happen before their eyes at the second Inauguration of President Obama. Tech savvy citizens were quick to capture the moment, utilizing social media to its finest.


What many did not expect was that the Inauguration took social media to a whole new level for 2013 as Facebook, utilized their tagging tool to actually tag individuals present at the event. The Washington Post even took it upon themselves to tag various politicians, celebrities and figures alike. PMBC Group, Los Angeles Tech PR Firm, was ecstatic to witness the revolution of social media in the making. Twitter also reached over 1.1 million tweets with trending hashtags like #inaug2013 . CNN even compiled a list of the best Inauguration Day tweets. This is only the beginning of social media’s presence at events of this nature and we’re thrilled to see what lies ahead.

How did you utilize social media for Inauguration Day?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at