Zuckerberg Attempts to Connect the Whole Planet to the Internet

In a world where even the older generation is active on social media websites such as Facebook, it’s surprising to hear that two thirds of the world’s population, over 5 billion people, still do not have internet connection at the moment. Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg believes that everyone deserves the possibilities internet can bring, and strives to change that. After connecting 1.1 billion people on Facebook, who could be better suited to take on the task to connect the rest of the world?

Together with heavyweights like Samsung and Nokia, who’s slogan is “Connecting People,” Internet.org is the initiative that will do just that, making internet access available to people all over the world. While we might think of the internet as a way of sharing news and catching up with friends, Zuckerberg realizes the way people will use it in other parts of the world may be different. “They’re going to use it to decide what kind of government they want, to get access to healthcare for the first time ever, and to connect with family hundreds of miles away they haven’t seen in decades,” Zuckerberg says.

Here at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles based Technology PR firm, we agree with Zuckerberg’s idea that everyone deserves the possibilities internet connection brings, and we are excited to follow the progress. Who knows what the world would be able to accomplish if we were all united.

Do you think it’s possible to connect the whole world online?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at http://www.pmbcgroup.com.

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