Do Shoppers Really Care About Ethicality?

With recent tragic news surrounding the Joe Fresh and the collapse of Rana Plaza Factory in Bangladesh, many have been questing the fundamental issues derived from the depressing incident. What is the real cost of clothes? Workers were seaming the bright and well branded clothes of Joe Fresh in harsh conditions, something many shoppers didn’t acknowledge.


Joe Fresh is just one of the popular retailers known to sell less expensive, fashion forward pieces. With the constant cycling of trends and the limitless options of outfits and accessories, retailers of this nature have branded themselves to produce and market clothing at lower prices so their clothes are worth a one time wear-and-toss. This might be suitable for some, but do consumers really know what goes on beyond compliments on a good outfit?


The detrimental fate of hundreds of factory workers in Bangladesh should answer that. Regardless, many still pick the cheaper option, opting for a quick fix rather than indulging in timeless pieces. Many are victim to society’s growing shopping trend and we’re hoping for a turn around. Why not pay a little extra with the reassurance that each piece was made with a smile?

How much are you willing to pay for?

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