Play-I’s Toy Robots Teach Children Programming Skills

It might be difficult for the older generations to be able to keep up with the current technology updates, but the future seems bright for the younger generations.

Co-founders of Play-I, Saurabh Gupta, a former head of consumer payments at Google, and Mikal Greaves, a former engineer at Apple, designed two robots, Bo and Yana, to teach kids basic coding and programming concepts and languages from an early age through interaction and play.

The two robots look and act like toys, but the robots’ intelligence goes far beyond that. Both Bo and Yana are teaching machines, guiding kids through coding basics disguised as storytelling, music and make-believe. Children simply choreograph a sequence of actions via tablet or puppeteering, and the robots perform them.

Gupta explains that kids have a very hard time handling abstract sequences but if you re frame those lines of code into something that children easily grasp, like telling Bo to play a song, turn his head or blink his eye, programming almost becomes second nature. Play-I is building the backbone of a skill set for children who may eventually have to learn these concepts while in school.

Here at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles Technology PR Firm, we are eager to share  recently developed and innovative products that could help shape the future.

Do you find these toys useful for future generations?

PMBC Group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

Improving Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is progressively becoming a priority for businesses everywhere.  Developing an efficient plan of action can help successfully shape a business blueprint.

Improving customer relationships and perfecting CRM extends beyond the traditional practices and into the hands of business owners.  CRM software can allow for issues to be noted instantly and updates can be made mobily.  CRM software organizes data, formulates reports and provides accessibility to all workers at all times, even outside of the office.  Productivity is enhanced because the likelihood of losing valuable information decreases.

Our client, Pipeliner Sales, has created a CRM software that combines data, selling features and client base management.  This software also allows you to connect your favorite CRM apps with one another. Sales personnel can quickly access new data and reports from other members of the sales team immediately. Documenting customer information leads to better production and planning, and also allows for more personal relations with customers, maximizing the customer experience, which makes for satisfied customers who will return.

Here at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles Corporate PR Firm, we are always looking for solutions to boost customer relations.

What are your ideas on improving CRM?

PMBC Group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

Weekend Wows and Winners: American Music Awards

A yearly event to recognize the best of the best in the music industry, the American Music Awards took place on Sunday. Contrary to the Grammys, the decisions of who wins lies in the hands of the the fans and dedicated music buyers.

The AMAs had 16 performances from some of the top charted musicians in the industry. TLC and Lil Mama had a throwback moment as they performed TLC’s best known hit, Waterfalls.Other lively performances include Katy Perry’s  opening number, Jennifer Lopez’s dance filled tribute to Cuban legend Celia Cruz, and Miley Cyrus’s digital kitten enhanced finale. New Artist of the Year nominees included Imagine Dragons, Ariana Grande and Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, who all also had the opportunity to perform onstage, showing us why they are the next big artists to look for.

Taylor Swift won Artist of the Year for the third year in a row with her album Red.

Justin Timberlake took to the AMAs to show that there isn’t any musical genre he can’t conquer, winning both favorite pop/rock and soul/R&B male. And it didn’t stop there. The multi-talented man went a little country and performance a new song, “Can’t Drink You Away.”

Rihanna was the first-ever winner of the prestigious “Icon Award,” as she is one of the top-selling digital artists, as well as most-liked person on Facebook and most listened to musician on YouTube.

Here at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles based Entertainment PR firm, we are always keeping up on the latest news in the entertainment realm, and this weekend’s AMA performances were something you did not want to miss out on.

Who’s your top pick for favorite artist of the year?

PMBC Group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

Follow Friday: Modern Technology & Apps Improving Health Care

Technology has most certainly had an influence on health care.  From online patient profiles to an app that transmits heart palpitations to Instagram, mobile applications and accessibility to technology have undoubtedly enhanced healthcare.

Accessibility to information software and mobile applications have drastically altered both the patient and doctor approach to health care.  A lot of these apps have made improvements in the medical industry and have proven to be very beneficial.  Doctors are using apps to keep track of patient records and documentation, and even have the ability to monitor patients thereby decreasing the number of doctor visits.  The modernization has spanned beyond the doctor’s office and into the hands of the public.

There are hundreds of nutrition and fitness apps that help keep track of caloric intake, exercise and BMI.  Often times, these apps function as a food and workout journals.  Health care apps can be tailored to a specific gender providing guidance for appropriate supplementation, but even with all the advancements in health technology, it is still important to consult a licensed physician.

Here at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles based Health & Wellness PR firm, we are always looking to discover and share inspiring advancements that lead to improved quality of life.

 What health & wellness apps do you use?
PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

Share Your Story With Momentage

A new term has developed in recent years, dubbed iPhoneography, which is the art of photography taken on an iPhone. The megapixels on iPhone cameras have improved with each new release, which have helped to popularize this as an actual recognized hobby. It’s only natural that with the popularization of iPhoneography, many photography-sharing apps have been developed to cater to this niche in the market.

Momentage is a photo, video, and sound-sharing iPhone app which allows for users to post carefully crafted “moments” of their life. These “moments” can include a collage of photos, sounds, and videos all in one post, so friends and loved ones can get an interactive view of what your life story looks like. Their innovative features include the ability to edit posts at any time, and choosing who you’d like to share with before sending each post so you can share with the world, just with friends, or make it even more private.

Here at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles based Technology PR firm, we are always trying out the latest and greatest apps, and Momentage is definitely a new favorite.

What moments will you capture?

PMBC Group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

Eco-Cities: The Future of Real Estate

Sustainable design has been a common real estate trend in recent years.  Ecological stability has proven to be of more importance as we face global issues such as pollution, agricultural production and overall health and well-being.  Green technologies have grown from recycled goods to energy evaluation and now entire eco-friendly communities.

Surbana Urban Planning Group has formulated a plan for Tianjin Eco-city, a sustainable community that is expected to be up and running by 2020.  The community is said to feature the latest in energy-saving technology.  The 30 square kilometer (about 18 square miles) eco-city will act as an example for subsequent eco-communities while highlighting the ultramodern architectural technologies as well as environmentally conscious developments.

The community is expected to house approximately 350,000 residents and will be in close proximity to business parks in the Tianjin area.  The eco-city will also feature a progressive light rail transit system and landscape options.  Additionally, the community will take advantage of water recycling, waste treatment, wind power and solar power.

Here at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles based Real Estate PR firm, we are always fascinated by the architectural modernization that lead to ecological advancement.

Would you like to see an eco-city in the US?

PMBC Group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

Follow Friday: Charity Miles Takes Steps for Charity

Every year, hundreds of events to raise money and awareness about certain causes are held in the form of walks, marathons, and bike-a-thons. While great amounts of money are raised through these annual events, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to donate to your favorite charity each time you step outside to exercise?  There’s now an app which lets you do just that.

Charity Miles is a free app which allows users to rack up earnings for charities based on the miles they bike, walk, or run. By loading the app and choosing a charity to donate to, the app tracks the miles traveled and computes that into earnings. Bikers earn 10 cents a mile, while runners and walkers earn 25 cents a mile. Charity Miles will donate up to $1,000,000 to charities.

Participating charities include the ASPCA, Habitat for Humanity, Autism Speaks, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Pencils of Promise, which our client, Be Great Partners, recently presented a check for $25,000 to, and many more.

Here at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles based Non-Profits PR firm, we urge all of you to join the movement and download and share this app with friends to help raise money for these great causes.

What charity would you choose to donate to?

PMBC Group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

Wake Up and Smell the Roses With Scentee

A special gadget has been created in Japan that will yield a whole new light to the old saying, wake up and smell the roses.

Scentee is an attachment for iPhone and Android which plugs into the earphone jack, and actually spritzes a blast of scent into the air, while flashing colors each time a notification pops up on your phone.

To control the color-changing attachment, and when the spritzes occur, Scentee created an app to work alongside the gadget. There is even a way to set a scent to wake up to alongside your alarm in the morning, so you literally can wake up and smell the roses.

Rose, coffee, mint, curry, jasmine, cinnamon roll, lavender, apple, strawberry and corn soup are just a few of the scent packets available. It’s rumored that a bacon scent, and a Korean BBQ scent are also being developed for those with a special taste.

Here at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles based Technology PR firm, we are always fascinated by the quirky innovations which are contrived.

What scent would you choose?

PMBC Group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

Discover What Sparks Your Interest with Neurocam

From the ability to connect with loved ones all over the world right with the touch of a finger, to millions of available apps which help us get through our day, smartphones have altered the way we live in a drastic way. Now, some smartphones are becoming so advanced that they are even able to detect our emotions.

Neurocam , which looks like a play off Google Glass, scans the user’s brainwaves and takes photos whenever the user’s interest is sparked. What looks like a headband helps hold an iPhone up to the user’s temple, and has a special feature which allows the camera to record from the point of view of the user. This gadget, which was first demoed at Japan’s 2013 Human Sensing Conference, contains EEG sensors which scan the brain for rises in data, which translates into heightened interest from the wearer.  At a certain spike in the data from brain waves, the camera begins recording in 5-second GIFs, keeping a log of images the wearer is able to access to see the flurry of images of things which sparked their interest while using the device.

This gadget could be beneficial to businesses to help them gauge what products catch people’s attention, allowing them to tailor their advertising campaigns around that in the future.

Here at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles based Technology PR Firm, we are always looking out for the newest and most innovative products to see what the “next big thing” could be, and the potential effect they have on our daily lives.

What sparks your interest?

PMBC Group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

PMBC Counts Down the Top 3 Halloween Costumes for This Year

Halloween is just around the corner and social media platforms have been inundated with costume ideas. Inspired by popular TV Shows, viral videos, and even video games, this year’s trending Halloween costumes are sure to keep you entertained.

For those of you who need a last-minute costume idea, or just want to know what will be arriving at your costume party tomorrow evening, PMBC is counting down this year’s top three Halloween costumes:

1. Fox: The viral video by Ylvis created quite a buzz about foxes with the ever-so-catchy song on YouTube, “The Fox,” which poses the question, what does the fox say?

2. Zombie: A great last-minute costume idea, the classic Zombie costume has been recently re-popularized due to the success of the most watched drama on cable television,The Walking Dead.

3. Yellow Hazmat Suit: As the extremely popular show Breaking Bad has recently come to an end, don’t be surprised when you see a flurry of yellow suits at the Halloween Parties.

All of us here at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles based Lifestyle PR firm, hope you all have a happy and safe Halloween!

How Are You Dressing Up For Halloween?

PMBC Group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at