Prevention Magazine’s Fitbie Shares Must-Look Tips from Dr. Bob The Drugless Doctor

With grocery stores crowded with seemingly endless options of nourishment, it’s in your best interest to really know what you’re ingesting. Taking the time to thoroughly understand food labels is a must for both your mental and physical state. Prevention Magazine’s Fitbie recently shared the importance of knowing what individuals consume to post ‘5 Must-Look Food Label Finds’ from Dr. Bob The Drugless Doctor.


Health and wellness focused PR firm, PMBC Group’s latest client, Dr. Bob, is dedicated to the all-natural lifestyle focusing on drugless answers. With ongoing experience with patients he has witnessed the detrimental health deficiencies from bad habits. After thorough research he shared pertinent insight on what to look for on food labels. From USDA approved organic seals to “grass-fed meat”, BPA and crucial numbers on produce labels, make sure to read the rest of the article here.

Are you aware of what your’e consuming?

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