Ron McElroy of ROC Speaks with Investor’s Business Daily About Collaboration Growing Businesses

Investor’s Business Daily’s Amy Alexander spoke with CEO and Founder Ron McElroy of Real Office Centers about what it takes to build both a business and industry. The answer, collaboration. At Real Office Centers in Santa Monica, startups are working alongside one another allowing the creative juices to flow throughout the office and companies to boom.

Real Office Centers, PMBC Group

ROC even offers the financial backing, that without this would cause startups to plummet. Inviting venture capital firms to hold hours at the ROC offices, McElroy helps startups ask a simple question, “How can I position my company so I am attractive to you?”

On top of all this, the collaboration comes down to the companies Ron has put together at ROC. He has seen collaboration as far as filmmakers and mobile application developers working in conjunction due to the facilities’ structure. His ties to local universities have also brought in professors to inspire those whose ears are always open to new words of advice.

This all comes from ROC’s open office layout that fosters creativity from those pursuing innovation. To read the entire article click HERE.

How do you find your means to collaborate?

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