Discover What Sparks Your Interest with Neurocam

From the ability to connect with loved ones all over the world right with the touch of a finger, to millions of available apps which help us get through our day, smartphones have altered the way we live in a drastic way. Now, some smartphones are becoming so advanced that they are even able to detect our emotions.

Neurocam , which looks like a play off Google Glass, scans the user’s brainwaves and takes photos whenever the user’s interest is sparked. What looks like a headband helps hold an iPhone up to the user’s temple, and has a special feature which allows the camera to record from the point of view of the user. This gadget, which was first demoed at Japan’s 2013 Human Sensing Conference, contains EEG sensors which scan the brain for rises in data, which translates into heightened interest from the wearer.  At a certain spike in the data from brain waves, the camera begins recording in 5-second GIFs, keeping a log of images the wearer is able to access to see the flurry of images of things which sparked their interest while using the device.

This gadget could be beneficial to businesses to help them gauge what products catch people’s attention, allowing them to tailor their advertising campaigns around that in the future.

Here at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles based Technology PR Firm, we are always looking out for the newest and most innovative products to see what the “next big thing” could be, and the potential effect they have on our daily lives.

What sparks your interest?

PMBC Group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

Guinness Touches Soft Spot With New Ad

In today’s society, it seems as if every time we flip through the television there is nothing but ludicrous and absurd commercials being aired. However, Guinness, a popular Irish dry stout and one of the most successful beer brands worldwide, recently premiered a new commercial eluding stereotypes overshadowing most advertisements of its genre.

According to Mashable’s Todd Wasserman, the commercial is receiving much praise for a clever, touching twist. The ad has appeared on the front page of Reddit under the heading “One of the best alcohol commercials in a while.” Another respectable accolade includes receiving over 60,000 views since its release date, Sept. 3.

We at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles Lifestyle PR Firm, can respect the message being sent behind the ad: “dedication, loyalty, friendship…the choices we make reveal the true nature of our character.”

How did you feel after watching this video?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

Heineken Attracts Young Crowd By Dropping People All Over The World

If you travel frequently, Heineken is the beer for you. Well, at least that’s the concept the Dutch brand is currently preaching in their video series “Dropped” targeting a young demographic. In the latest edition they drop an Irishman and a Polish guy on a Philippine island, blindfolded and handcuffed.

We’ve seen content marketing through Red Bull stunts, a TV series based on the fast food chain Subway and now this. What’s next?

We at PMBC Group, a Los Angles Entertainment PR Firm, are excited to see branded entertainment of this kind increase as many are becoming more and more resistant to traditional advertising messages.

Do you enjoy branded entertainment more than traditional advertisement?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

Red Bull’s Long-Awaited Instagram Video Crushes Competition

After the highly anticipated stratosphere jump on YouTube, most people would agree that Red Bull knows marketing, specially in video format. Therefore it comes as a surprise that they have only posted one video on Instagram since the launch of the social media platform’s video service in June.

That is until yesterday when they showed how engagement is done in true fashion with an adrenaline-pumping clip of Valery Rozov.

He might not be jumping from space, but jumping from Mount Everest is close enough. The daredevil act got over 29.000 likes in its first 12 hours on Instagram, without even being a new video. The video has in fact been on YouTube in a longer format since May.

Here at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles based Technology PR firm, we think this shows the enormous potential for brands already on YouTube to increase engagement by simply re-posting highlights onto Instagram. Why not do something of the sort on a “Throwback Thursday” like Red Bull did.

Do you post videos on Instagram?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

Advertising Expands in Digital Realms

With the amount of time individuals spend consuming digital media overtaking the amount of time spent watching television, it’s only logical for advertisers to target top-tier social content platforms.  Most recent to be exhibited in headlines are the likes of Facebook and Google Maps.

Facebook is notoriously known for ads being presented all over its newsfeeds, but stockholders are okay with that as a report released by Morgan Stanley on Wednesday shares that the company will profit more than $1 billion in 2014 with video ads.

Because Google Maps is so viable for individuals, and with its more than one billion users each month, it makes for a prime target to advertisers. On Thursday, Google announced ads will appear for its Android, iPhone and iPad apps. With its large reach and ability to capture people looking for specific locations and businesses, Google Maps is a goldmine for masterful advertising.

Here at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles PR Firm, it is inevitable to avoid advertising as it has been long part of our society’s history, however we are excited to see what opportunities, deals and business it will present to audiences.

What are your thoughts on advertising appearing all over digital platforms?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

LinkedIn Introduces “Sponsor Updates” for Businesses

With LinkedIn, a social networking website designed for business professionals, introducing “Sponsor Updates,” it appears as if the company will be placing ads in news streams and veering into the pattern most companies in its industry are, as modeled by Facebook and Twitter.

LinkedIn has been testing this program for quite some time now. However, today marks its official start. Although current members, some of them being advertising antagonists, are wary about this lucrative strategy, David Hahn, VP of product management, expresses how he believes this decision can benefit both shareholders and stakeholders, as told in his recent blog.

Marketers are increasingly leveraging content to inform, educate, and inspire their current and prospective customers. But the high quality content they’ve produced – slideshows, articles, videos, and whitepapers – does not always achieve enough reach and engagement on their own channels. With Sponsored Updates, marketers will be able to distribute this content directly to relevant professionals in a place their customers and prospects are already consuming professionally relevant content. 

As career professionals, here at PMBC Group, a Los Angles PR Firm, who are all members of Linkedin, curiosity strikes us as we ponder the beneficial rewards that can come from these sponsored updates.

Do you believe Linkedin’s “Sponsor Updates” will benefit business professionals?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

Face Detection Technology Revolutionizes the Ad Industry

Looking at how far technology has come, even the fictional-advertising-genius Donald Draper, star of the hit TV show Madmen, would have had his competition cut out for him in today’s digital era. Amscreen, a European digital place-based media network, has just released its newest platform OptimEyes, which is beginning to revolutionize and take advertising campaigns to the next level.

OptimEyes offers face detection technology to advertisers, providing the most in depth and measured results to date. Although some members of the public are left uneasy with this idea, advertisers and agencies will get full optimization from this platform, as real time insight provides them with details such as gender, age, date, time and location of who is viewing their placed advertisements. Ultimately, Amsceen will further its reputation as one of the most insight-led advertising companies leading the industry.

Here at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles Technology PR Firm, it is obvious the feelings surrounding this face detection technology may not all be universally mutual, however, it’s noteworthy to understand how advancing technology is influencing the manner in which businesses and companies are conducted.

Have you heard of any other ways face detection technology has benefited companies?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

Media Monday: Boston Globe Up for Sale

PMBC Group, Los Angeles PR firm, is always staying alert with what is going on with the media we outreach to. Making a big splash in the news is that New York Times Co. has put the famed Boston Globe up for sale. Putting their focus into the Times brand, they have decided to hire an investment banker to sell the paper.

Boston Globe, Media, PMBC Group

This all comes with the downturn of the advertising market that all publications have been seeing industrywide. All of this has caused them to sell regional newspapers as well as in the past thirteen months. Akin to the New York Times brand, the International Herald Tribune, considered the European New York Times, is still in the company’s possession along with the Boston Globe. The New York Times has remained afloat thanks to its print as well as online advertisers. If you are a print or online subscriber to the New York Times, you are what is keeping this trusted news source available for all.

Who do you think will buy the Boston Globe?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at