Social Media Turned Reality Show: Rich Kids of Beverly Hills

As social media infiltrates all areas of our lives, we have yet to see it take off in the true sense of the word “entertainment” until now. The Rich Kids of Instagram is being transformed into a reality show comprised of “several of the blog’s 20-something friends who are living a world of extreme wealth.” This is set to focus on the kids of Beverly Hills who have so much money they own lions, Ferraris, private jets, and casual croquet sets in their backyards – but to a whole new degree.

“Rich Kids of Beverly Hills” is set to be produced by ITV Studios America in association with Leepson Bounds Entertainment, showcasing the kids frolicking around with other million and billion-heirs. The Tumblr states, “They have more money than you and this is what they do.”

As part of the Beverly Hills community, we are interested to see what will come of such rumors about social media’s true showcase of everyday life.

Do you follow Rich Kids of Instagram?

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