How To Stay Productive After A Long Weekend

The accessibility to mobile networks makes it almost impossible to disconnect.  During down time, most people find themselves checking their e-mail, playing a quick round of their favorite game or updating a status. While this may seem like you are constructively utilizing your time, not much productivity comes out of this.

Here at PMBC Group, we have been inspired by Fast Company’s article and came up with a list of our own.

  • Take a short walk — Go for a walk to get some exercise. Get outside and enjoy the scenery.  Find a spot to sit and smell the roses.

  • Set daily goals — Write a few short term goals and do your best to accomplish them within the day.  If the goals require more time, then make an effort to plan for these goals.  Decide is necessary for each goal.

  • Spend some time alone and just breathe — Have a moment to yourself and allow your mind to relax.  Breathe and stretch to release some tension.

  • Clear off your desk – Take a few minutes to clean your desk.  Remove any items that are not needed or that you may find negative.

  • Make a list of things that make you smile — Remind yourself of simple pleasures

  • Call a friend or family member that you have not spoken to in a while — Catch up on things that are going on in your lives.

  • Stop procrastinating — Start on the project that you have been putting off.  Whether that means starting the book that you have been eyeing or getting a head start on writing a proposal.

  • Focus — Do your best to block out distractions and complete your daily tasks.

Make today a more productive day by trying some of these tips.

Here at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles Technology PR Firm, we pride ourselves in getting you the latest scoop in this fast paced tech world.

What are some ways that help you stay productive?

PMBC Group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

History Repeating Itself? Snapchat Edition

Thanks to The Social Network, we all have a solid understanding of the development and subsequent conflicts surrounding the creation of Facebook. We have learned that creating an Internet success can bring out a competitive edge in its founders, as the creation does take many’s input.

Like Facebook, the popular phone app Snapchat was conceived by a small group of guys in the hallways of an university. For the photo-messaging app, that school was Stanford and the founders have been though to be Bobby Murphy and Evan Spiegel.

Snapchat’s Winklevoss and alleged third founder, Reggie Brown, is now suing the app reportedly valued at $3-4 billion for making his involvement disappear. According to Brown and his court case evidence, it appears former fraternity brothers and Snapchat creators, Murphy and Spiegel are quite skilled in making things disappear. But unlike the photos their users send, brown has emails, texts, and proposals showing his involvement.

Here at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles Technology PR Firm, we’re enthusiastic about following changes in the tech industry and just as with Facebook, we are wondering if history is repeating itself as this groundbreaking company excels into the rankings of Twitter, Myspace, and more.

Do you use Snapchat?

PMBC Group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

Scambook Featured In Top 3 Outlets In One Day: US News & World Report, AOL Daily Finance, & Times Herald

Scambook(Los Angeles, CA) – PMBC Group‘s client Scambook, the online complaint resolution platform, is taking off in the media today being featured in three of the top news publications outlets in the nation: US News & World Report, AOL Daily Finance, and The Times Herald.

Allie Bidwell of US News and World Report referenced Scambook’s tips for the Sallie Mae Instagram scam where these fake social media accounts are targeting struggling student borrowers.  The accounts were offering loan forgiveness as a trick to gain personal information from the borrowers. To read more click HERE.

AOL Daily Finance’s Rich Smith warned consumers about how to protect themselves from debt collectors. Many consumers don’t know their rights and Smith reminded them Scambook’s 4 tips: keep work and home separate, let’s keep this between you and me, you catch more flies and fewer FTC lawsuits with honey, and lastly support your local post office. To read more click HERE

Lastly, continuing with the recent student loan scams, Beth LeBlanc of the Times Herald also picked up the story to further spread the news and protect students against the fake social media accounts offering loan forgiveness. To read more click HERE.

Instagram Addicts Receive Perks

From #SelfieSundays, #ThrowbackThursdays, to the top Instagram hastag, #love, the notable trend is paving the way hospitality industries acquire new customers. Blazing the new trail is none other than 1888 Hotel, located down under in Sydney, Australia. The chic and trendy, Instagram-themed hotel, is now offering a free night stay to social-media frenzied users with over 10,000 followers.

With areas designed specifically for optimal pictures, guest can snap away while checking in. The more pictures that are posted, constitutes increased chances of winning. And for those who do not meet the 10,000 followers criteria, there is still a way to score a free night. Once a month a winner will be selected from a creative upload with #Hotel1888 hashtag. Nothing beats a free stay in one of the hottest vacation spots in the world.
We at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles Tech PR firm, understand the great advantages of leveraging technology to promote hospitality and consumer driven promotions. For all of those planning on going to Australia we recommend increasing your Instagram usage.

Are you ready for your close up?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

New York Fashion Week Struts on Intagram

It’s that time of year again, the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week kicked off this past Saturday September 5th in New York City bringing A-lists celebrities and socialites from all over to experience and witness the up and coming new trends for Spring 2014.

With the rest of the week still ahead, the weekend opened with some of the best in high fashion. Top designers from all over the world displayed their new looks and even took to social media with the help of celebrity friends to share their looks with the fans at home.

With Instagram’s debut of its video upload feature earlier this year, attendees were able to post 15 second videos of their favorite runway shows throughout the week.  Additionally, with the help of hashtags on both Instagram and Twitter, designers could see firsthand the reactions and comments fans at home had in regards to their Spring 2014 looks.

Technology is changing the way fashion is being evaluated, adding even personal flare and a sense of pride to these stylist’s, designer’s, and fashion icon’s social media.  Celebrity stylist June Ambrose, fashion icon Jay Manuel, and designer Rachel Zoe were just a few who took to Instagram to share their NYFW favorites.







We at PMBC Group, a Los Angeles Technology PR Firm, are big Instagram users and see just how essential social media is for sharing the top NYFW images and videos with the rest of the world.

Have you been following #NYFW on Instagram?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

Animated Vine Tribute to Hayao Miyazaki

The acclaimed Japanese animator and director Hayao Miyazaki, who gained legendary status after the great success with Spirited Away, has announced his retirement. To honor this man who’s contribution to the industry has been nothing short of incredible, Mashable challenges all you Miyazaki fans around the world to create Vine videos inspired by his animation.

Tag your Vine creations #MiyazakiVine and you too can participate. Users have until 11 a.m. ET on September 11 to enter. Selected entries will then be featured in a follow-up post on Mashable.

We at PMBC Group, a Los Angles Entertainment PR Firm, are overjoyed to see traditional techniques such as animation by stop motion given new life through apps like Vine. Who ever said that the old and new can’t work together.

Which is your favorite Hayao Miyazaki movie?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

VatorNews Deems OverNear a Social Connectivity App with a Twist

VatorNews, the trusted source for emerging technology, spoke with social connectivity app OverNear’s co-founder Bill Glaser about the recent news that social media, created to bring people closer together, is in fact driving people towards isolation and negative moods. VatorNews notes that there are two types of apps that seem to pushing for real social connectivity in real time and place: dating apps with matches based on proximity and those trying to connect friends nearby.

The philosophy behind OverNear is to expose people to their friends real lives rather than these inflated views of the best moments, creating real social interactions that are face to face. OverNear sets itself apart connecting friends in the future as a “social planning app.” VatorNews understands that most people think platforms such as Facebook and Twitter already notify users of future plans of their friends. However, as Glaser explains only a low percentage of these posts are seen and not always by those who may share the same plans.

Glaser revealed in this interview that soon users will be able to follow celebrities and brands, in addition those friends and business contacts already in touch. This means that celebrities making an appearance in the area will notify users as well as stores in the area who are holding a sale or other promotion. They will also make money off of advertising as well as in-app purchases that allow friends to choose geo-specific greetings, rich media, or better graphics.

The company currently has raised around $4 million and is supported by the likes of Lewis Howes, Robert Scoble, and Gary Vaynerchuk.

To read the entire article click HERE.

How do you stay socially connected?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

Guest Blogger: 5 Simple Ways to Share the Gift of Yoga from Justin Michael Williams

Our lives are constantly dictated by the the jobs we work, errands we run, and ultimately the daily activities that shape our very existence. In the midst of all the various hectic facets we face, it’s critical to take some time off, relax, and find the inner peace to combat everyday obstacles. That’s why PMBC Group brings you social media expert, yoga instructor, and co-founder of Social Media Breakfast LA, Justin Michael Williams. He shares his insight on fusing healthy lifestyle practices to everyday life.

5 Simple Ways to Share the Gift of Yoga

We all have that stubborn friend or family member who thinks yoga is just another trendy workout, but those of us who have found yoga can attest that it’s much more than just a physical practice – it’s a way of life. Our practice helps us to become more joyous, more vibrant, and more alive! But how do we begin to guide people we love down a path of health and happiness? How do we get our friends and family to try yoga?

Over the years, I’ve encouraged many people to take their first yoga class. Most of them are still practicing today. Here are five simple tips to share yoga with the people you love:

1.  Take them to class. Going to a studio for the first time can be intimidating, so a little handholding goes a long way. Many studios have introductory classes and new member specials. I teach at Naam Yoga LA in Santa Monica, which offers a free class to first timers.

2. Use Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms to share your personal experience. Talk about your favorite instructor or post a memorable quote after class. Sharing information on your social network is an effective way to influence many people at the same time.

3. Be simple. Yoga jargon can scare people away, so talk about the benefits simply – starting with things people can easily relate to. Instead of talking about your chakras, explain how yoga calms the mind and relieves stress after a busy workday.

4. Don’t force your opinion.  Remember, your reason for practicing may not align with others’. Everyone has a different entry point to yoga. Some come for fitness, while others come for spirituality. Take their interests into consideration and approach the conversation from a place they can understand.

5. Lead by example. The best way to convince others to follow your advice is to be a living example of what yoga can do. Take your practice off the mat and into your home and workplace. Stay grounded during chaos, breathe through challenges, and celebrate each moment. Others will take note.

Sharing our practice is our offering to help uplift the people we love. Person by person, we are changing the world.

Justin Michael Williams is a social media expert and yoga instructor in Venice, CA.  See more info about Justin here:

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

Jay Z Premieres ‘Holy Grail’ Video Exclusively on Facebook

It’s no secret, social media platforms are an integral component to how we communicate in our society, but have you ever heard of an artist premiering a new music video exclusively on Facebook for the first 24 hours for fans to watch? Well, iconic-rap artist Jay Z did just that.

Posting his ‘Holy Grail’ video featuring Justin Timberlake is a Facebook first. With his 17 million followers, some could claim this was genius marketing. However individuals decide to look at it, posting his video to Facebook is nearly guaranteed to reach all of his fans. Not only that, but by posting his hit-single video on Facebook, fans are able to provide feedback, giving Jay Z precise insight to what his fans are thinking.

We at PMBC Group, A Los Angles Entertainment PR Firm, are excited to see how this will influence the evolution of participation by music artists, or any entertainer for that fact, as it pertains to posting their content on social media platforms.

What did you think about Jay Z posting his ‘Holy Grail’ video on Facebook?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at

Wellness Wednesday: Beauty Guru Ambrosia Malbrough Vlogs about Upcoming BeWell Expo 2013

As beauty tutorials and reviews of products on YouTube have become a popular trend on the social media site, a well-known group of  beauty influencers has emerged. Out of those notable few is beauty guru Ambrosia Malbrough, who posted her newest video highlighting her excitement for PMBC Group‘s client, the upcoming BeWell Expo.

Ambrosia gave rave reviews of BeWell Expo’s exhibitor, Chella Skin Care, and provided a step-by-step tutorial on how to use a few Chella products which will be showcased at BeWell Expo 2013.

Ambrosia’s style of easy-to-follow tutorials, knowledge of makeup, as well as her obvious passion for all things beauty makes her one of our favorite beauty vloggers to watch. As mentioned in her video, she will be giving away tickets to the upcoming BeWell Expo two lucky viewers!

BeWell Expo 2013 will be held October 12th and 13th at the Pasadena Convention Center. Tickets for BeWell Expo are on sale here.

Who is your favorite YouTube influencer?

PMBC group is a multi-level PR firm based in Los Angeles, specializing in Corporate PR and Tech PR. Visit us at